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Syberia 3 verschiebt sich
Autor: .ram6. Oktober 2016, 09:25

Das Adventure Syberia 3 sollte eigentlich am 01.12.2016 erscheinen, nun gab Publisher Microids jedoch bekannt, dass man den Titel schweren Herzens auf das 1. Quartal 2017 verschieben würde. Als Gründe nannte man die hohe Erwartungshaltung der Fans und das man zusätzliche Szenen, Gespräche usw. hinzufügt, um dem Ganzen noch mehr Tiefe zu verleihen. Anbei das englische Statement:

Syberia 3 is the third opus of a mythical adventure game saga fueled by a rich universe and a strong identity. After the unprecedented excitement we have seen for this game, and we decided to bring even more depth to Kate Walker’s new adventure. "Said Elliot Grassiano, Vice President of Microïds. "We are aware that fans around the world are eager to embody Kate Walker again but we need additional time to provide them with an adventure that can live up to their expectations in this fascinating universe created by Benoit Sokal.”

I am obviously disappointed that Syberia 3 is delayed because we would like to release our games as soon as the storyline is written, but I'm also relieved that Microïds has taken the decision to postpone the game's launch because it is essential to offer players the best gaming experience possible. We decided to add even more cinematics to this new fiction, more optional narrative sequences as well as new languages for the voice-over, which represents considerable work for teams. "Said Benoit Sokal, founder and creative director of the Syberia saga

Infos zum Spiel
NameSyberia 3
SystemPlayStation 4

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