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Neues Update für Driver: San Francisco
Autor: crysmopompas5. Dezember 2011, 14:54

Für Driver: San Francisco wurde ein neues Update fertiggestellt. Damit werden einige Bugs behoben und das Balancing im Onlinemultiplayer verbessert.


Liste der Änderungen: 


- Online Gameplay: Any players joining a game already in-progress will be given sufficient ability to shift immediately.

- Online Gameplay: Improved gameplay balancing in Tag mode by reducing tag car performance under certain conditions


- Added additional statistic synchronisation points so website statistics more closely match current progress.

- Improved traffic variety in Splitscreen Freedrive, Tag and Trailblazer

- Improved traffic variety in freedrive after game completion.

- Online: Improved randomisation of route selection where certain modes would always start their first game with a more limited route variety

- Online: Improved player icons and vehicle images loading.

- Online: Reduced lag/teleport issues observed when players join a session

- Online: Improved reward images display when increasing multiplayer LVL.

- Online: Improved session join score by re-assessing it if the leading player disconnects.


- Fixed single-frame camera cuts evident in some film-director replays.

- Fixed progression display of "connoisseur" achievement in the game "Achievements" menu under "Extras"

- Fixed progression display of all fine-grain (>25 steps) achievements in the game "Achievements" menu under "Extras"

- Fixed a specific case of NAN values being sent in game to web data.

- Online: Fixed waiting screens displaying the next mode name incorrectly.

- Online: Fixed occasional crash when a large party joins a public Takedown match in progress, under certain conditions.

- Online: Fixed occasional issue where 7 players could enter a public match with a 6 player limit.

- Online: Fixed crash on returning to the main menu from online under certain conditions

- Online: Fixed player being disconnected from in-game party under certain conditions

- Online: Fixed issue where user spamming rapid shift on mode start would result in odd camera behaviour

- Online: Fixed occasional issue where qualifying mode timer would stick on 50 seconds and not decrease

- Online: Fixed issue where a wrecked vehicle with the TAG would sometimes display a blue highlight instead of red.

- Online: Fixed issue where a player can incorrectly be highlighted with the TAG icon under certain conditions.

- Online: Fixed occasional crash during CTF gameplay.

- Online: Fixed issue where the incorrect player name could be displayed on the profile screen

- XBOX 360 ONLY: Online: added LVL banding filter to Free For All matchmaking to improve matchmaking (already implemented on PS3). 

Quelle: CVG

Infos zum Spiel
NameDriver: San Francisco
SystemPlayStation 3
EntwicklerReflections Interactive

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