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Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath HD - Move & 3D Patch ist online
Autor: .ram27. Juni 2012, 13:40

Der lange ersehnte große Patch für Oddworld: Strangers Wrath HD ist online. Neben Unterstützung für PlayStation Move und 3D TVs behebt das Update auf Version 1.02 zudem einige Audio-Fehlerchens. Hier die komplette Liste der Änderungen.

3DTV support
Scour the wilds, ruins and hideouts for scumbag Outlaws with the latest stereoscopic broadcasts from the Mongo River. Oddworld has never had so much D!

PlayStation Move support
Immerse yourself in the action by pointing and firing from your very own crossbow. (Note: Your PlayStation Move controller is unlikely to resemble a crossbow.)

Video recording and uploading
Record your victories, failures and candid moments straight to your PlayStation 3, and upload them directly to your YouTube account.

Brightness & Gamma controls
No need to visit Doc for a new pair of eye-spectacles, now you can change the visibility of the very world around you with our brand new sliders.

Audio fixes
Tired of lazy Townsfolk cutting themselves off mid-sentence? Fed up with soft-spoken Live Ammo? Is the soundtrack to your adventure jolted, often absent? Never fear! Our audio fixes fix your audio!

Increased crosshair visibility
9 out of 10 bounty hunters say they prefer our newer, opaquer crosshair. “It’s so much easier to see!” said excited Corn Jaws of New Yolk City.

Fixed Quicksaves and Autosaves
Before, you could only load full saves from the Load Game screen. But now you can revert back to your most recent AutoSave and QuickSave for added convenience.

Extra subtitles
The accessibility of Western Mudos has taken a step up with the introduction of additional gameplay-relevant subtitling in English, French, Italian, German and Spanish.

Performance Improvements
Ask at your local General Store or Black Market for all available improvements to your experience of life.

Quelle: Oddworld.com

Infos zum Spiel
NameOddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD
SystemPlayStation 3
E-Distribution only
PublisherOddworld Inhabitants
EntwicklerJust Add Water Developments
Preis12,99 €

#1         Kommentar zitieren
cool freu mich aufs move feature. werds gleich ausprobieren.

27.6.2012, 14:24

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