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BioShock Studio Irrational Games schließt die Pforten!
Autor: crack-king18. Februar 2014, 18:59

Den meisten PS3 Spielern dürfte die sehr gute BioShock-Serie ein Begriff sein. Für BioShock 1 und BioShock: Infinite war das Entwicklerstudio Irrational Games rund um Ken Levine zuständig, welches nun völlig überraschend die Pforten schließt. Dabei werden alle Mitarbeiter bis auf Ken Levine und ca. 15 weitere entlassen. Die übrig gebliebenen gründen ein neues, deutlich kleineres kreatives Studio für Take-Two. Wie viele Mitarbeiter genau bei Irrational Games angestellt waren, ist unbekannt.

Nachricht von Ken Levine:

"When Jon Chey, Rob Fermier and I founded Irrational Games seventeen years ago, our mission was to make visually unique worlds and populate them with singular characters.
We built Rapture and Columbia, the Von Braun and The Rickenbacker, the Freedom Fortress and some of the nastiest basements a SWAT team ever set foot into. We created Booker and Elizabeth, the Big Daddy and the Little Sister, MidWives and ManBot. In that time, Irrational has grown larger and more successful than we could have conceived when we began our three-person studio in a living room in Cambridge, MA. It’s been the defining project of my professional life.

Now Irrational Games is about to roll out the last DLC for BioShock Infinite and people are understandably asking: What’s next?

Seventeen years is a long time to do any job, even the best one. And working with the incredible team at Irrational Games is indeed the best job I’ve ever had. While I’m deeply proud of what we’ve accomplished together, my passion has turned to making a different kind of game than we’ve done before. To meet the challenge ahead, I need to refocus my energy on a smaller team with a flatter structure and a more direct relationship with gamers. In many ways, it will be a return to how we started: a small team making games for the core gaming audience. 

I am winding down Irrational Games as you know it. I’ll be starting a smaller, more entrepreneurial endeavor at Take-Two. That is going to mean parting ways with all but about fifteen members of the Irrational team. There’s no great way to lay people off, and our first concern is to make sure that the people who are leaving have as much support as we can give them during this transition. 

Besides financial support, the staff will have access to the studio for a period of time to say their goodbyes and put together their portfolios. Other Take-Two studios will be on hand to discuss opportunities within the company, and we’ll be hosting a recruiting day where we’ll be giving 3rd party studios and publishers a chance to hold interviews with departing Irrational staff.*

What’s next?

In time we will announce a new endeavor with a new goal: To make narrative-driven games for the core gamer that are highly replayable. To foster the most direct relationship with our fans possible, we will focus exclusively on content delivered digitally.

When I first contemplated what I wanted to do, it became very clear to me that we were going to need a long period of design. Initially, I thought the only way to build this venture was with a classical startup model, a risk I was prepared to take. But when I talked to Take-Two about the idea, they convinced me that there was no better place to pursue this new chapter than within their walls. After all, they’re the ones who believed in and supported BioShock in the first place.

Thanks to Irrational and 2K’s passion in developing the games, and the fans who believe in it, BioShock has generated retail revenues of over a half billion dollars and secured an iconic place in gaming. I’m handing the reins of our creation, the BioShock universe, to 2K so our new venture can focus entirely on replayable narrative. If we’re lucky, we’ll build something half as memorable as BioShock.

We do our best to update an FAQ in this space as questions come in.

-Ken Levine"

Quelle: Gamespot


#1         Kommentar zitieren

18.2.2014, 19:05

#2         Kommentar zitieren
Schon heftig...

18.2.2014, 19:10

#3         Kommentar zitieren
na super -.-

18.2.2014, 19:16

#4         Kommentar zitieren
Da wurde schon wieder ein sehr gutes Studio von einem Publisher gefressen! smile

18.2.2014, 19:18

#5         Kommentar zitieren

Kommentar zuletzt editiert von gtidriver am 18.02.14 um 20:05 Uhr.
18.2.2014, 20:03

#6         Kommentar zitieren
Das hätte ich nun wirklich nicht erwartet... unglücklich

18.2.2014, 20:14

#7         Kommentar zitieren
Oha, das ist aber unschön Cry

18.2.2014, 20:30

#8         Kommentar zitieren
Also ich finde auch das es schade ist, aber wieso passiert das jetzt so vielen??

und trotzdem...... Ich glaube nicht(und das wird jetzt viele verstören hier), das wenn einer von uns gekündigt wird und hartz 4 bekommt, das dies irgendeinen von denen stören wird.

das leben geht weiter.die werden schon was neues finden.

Hoffe ich. Augenzwinkern

18.2.2014, 20:47

#9         Kommentar zitieren
wird nicht geschlossen sondern verkleinert "winding down"! wieso schreiben alle den gleichen mist voneinander ab. Er und 15 Leute machen weiter.

18.2.2014, 21:20

#10         Kommentar zitieren
welches nun völlig überraschend die Pforten schließt.


19.2.2014, 09:02

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